Node.js CRUD with File System

 const fs=require('fs');

const path=require('path');
const dirPath=path.join(__dirname, 'crud');
const filePath=`${dirPath}/apple.txt`;
// fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'this is a apple.txt file');
// fs.readFile(filePath,'utf8', (err, item)=>{
//     console.log(item)
// })
// fs.appendFile(filePath, 'I am updating apple.txt file', (err)=>{
//     if(!err){
//         console.log("file is updated")
//     }
// })

// fs.rename(filePath, `${dirPath}/fruit.txt`, (err)=>{
//     if(!err){
//         console.log("File name has been renamed")
//     }
// })



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